• School of Nursing staff prepare a simulation suite for education

    Preparing exceptional professionals...

Exceptional Education

Goal 2: Prepare exceptional nurses, physician assistants and related professionals to become the next generation of leaders in health care.

Strategy 2.1

Be a driving force in health care education by offering outstanding, innovative educational programs.

Strategy 2.2

Provide comprehensive student support to drive success.

Strategy 2.3

Integrate team-based, interprofessional education and training opportunities across UC Davis Health and beyond.

Strategy 2.4

Foster and recognize excellence and innovation in education to raise visibility of the school and pave the way for growth.

Your voice matters chat bubbles

Your voice matters

As part of this process, we have engaged and heard from more than 200 of our students, alumni, postdoctoral scholars, faculty, staff and leaders at UC Davis.

We want to continue to hear your voice. Please share your thoughts, questions and ideas about the strategic plan with leadership at the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing.

Email your thoughts