Stack of magazine publications (c) All rights reserved.See research papers and scholarly articles related to projects of fellows in the Betty Irene Moore Fellowship for Nurse Leaders and Innovators program. Fellow projects are funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, which fosters path-breaking scientific discovery, environmental conservation, patient care improvements and preservation of the special character of the Bay Area. 

Integrative curriculum assessment for inclusion, representation and equity (I-CAIRE)
MedEdPORTAL, Feb. 28, 2025
Fellow author: Jessica Draughon Moret
This journal article discusses the I-CAIRE tool, which was developed to help health care education programs assess and integrate health equity concepts into their curricula, focusing on four key domains: health equity, curriculum content, diversity and inclusion, and accessibility. Expert evaluation confirmed the tool's clarity, relevance, and usability, with all reviewers indicating they would recommend it. The article states that by using I-CAIRE, health care schools can identify gaps, access resources and develop strategic plans to better address health disparities through education.

Stage B heart failure is ubiquitous in emergency patients with asymptomatic hypertension
The Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, March 2024
Fellow author: Kimberly Souffront
This journal article discusses how Black, Hispanic and female patients with asymptomatic hypertension are at high risk for developing heart failure, highlighting the need for emergency clinicians to provide personalized care that addresses their specific health, cultural and social needs.

Synthesizing best practices to promote health equity for older adults through community-engaged research
Research in Gerontological Nursing, Jan. 1, 2024
Fellow author: Fayron Epps
This journal article discusses the best practices and considerations for advancing community-engaged research to reduce health disparities experienced by historically underserved older adults and their families. 

Inpatient nurses' preferences and decisions with risk information visualization
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Oct. 31, 2023
Fellow author: Alvin Jeffery
This journal article discusses how four different risk information formats affect the preferences and decisions of inpatient nurses when using an acute clinical deterioration decision-support system.

Availability of family caregiver programs in U.S. cancer centers
JAMA Network Open, Oct. 11, 2023
Fellow author: J. Nicholas Odom
This journal article explores the availability of family caregiver support programs in the nation's cancers centers and discusses the need for implementation strategies to foster uptake of evidence-based caregiver interventions. 

Intervention approaches to address intimate partner violence and HIV: a scoping review of recent research
Current HIV/AIDS Reports, Sept. 28, 2023
Fellow author: Kamila A. Alexander
This journal article provides an overview of fifteen research studies that used interventions to address intimate partner violence and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) across the care continuum. 

Heart failure epidemiology and outcomes statistics: a report of the Heart Failure Society of America
Journal of Cardiac Failure, Sept. 26, 2023
Fellow author: Lenette Jones
This journal article examines the available data and evidence regarding the prevalence and consequences of heart failure in the United States.

Psychometric evaluation of the modes of health information acquisition, sharing, and use questionnaire: prospective cross-sectional observational study
Journal of Medical Internet Research, Sept. 11, 2023
Fellow author: Lenette Jones
This journal article discusses the evaluation of a 23-item questionnaire that measures how individuals with health risks or chronic illness acquire, share and use health information. 

The power of language in hospital care for pregnant and birthing people
Obstetrics & Gynecology, Sept. 7, 2023
Fellow author: Veronica Barcelona
This journal article discusses how stigmatizing language is commonly used in obstetric settings and can be changed to promote pregnancy and birth with a spirit of care, partnership and support.

Sickle cell virtual support group program for adults: an implementation evaluation
Issues in Mental Health Nursing, Aug. 7, 2023
Fellow author: Dora Clayton-Jones
This journal article discusses the results of a study that evaluated the implementation of a virtual support group during the COVID-19 pandemic for adults living with sickle cell disease. 

Data science implementation trends in nursing practice: a review of the 2021 literature
Applied Clinical Informatics, Aug. 2, 2023
Fellow author: Alvin Jeffery
This journal article discusses how very few studies in 2021 looked at using data science tools to track important signs for nurses, such as structural- or outcome-related indicators, and the need to share implementation strategies going forward.

Using equityXdesign to develop nursing curricula: the implicit bias clinical teaching program case study
Nurse Educator, July 24, 2023
Fellow author: M. Rebecca O'Connor
This journal article discusses using a program called equityxdesign to prepare future nurses to interrupt implicit bias in clinical settings.

Use of electronic ecological momentary assessment methodologies in physical activity, sedentary behavior and sleep research in young adults: systematic review
Journal of Medical Internet Research, June 29, 2023
Fellow author: Luz Huntington-Moskos
This journal article discusses using electronic ecological momentary assessment methodologies when researching the physical activity, sedentary behavior and sleep patterns of young adults. 

Therapeutic relational connection in telehealth: concept analysis
Journal of Medical Internet Research, June 22, 2023
Fellow author: Lisa V. Duffy
This journal article discusses using a therapeutic relational connection during telehealth visits to establish positive connections between patients and providers. Establishing such a connection positively affects patient-centered outcomes including adherence to treatment, self-management, and satisfaction with care. 

570-P: Designing the deaf diabetes can together intervention
Diabetes, June 20, 2023
Fellow author: Michelle L. Litchman
This journal article discusses the creation of an American Sign Language (ASL) glossary of diabetes terms. The glossary was co-designed with an all-deaf community advisory board, a certified deaf interpreter, deaf health care professionals, a universal access designer, and experts in diabetes care.

Strengthening families to disrupt intergenerational health inequities with adolescents at risk for commercial sexual exploitation, substance use and HIV
American Journal of Public Health, June 20, 2023
Fellow author: Dawn T. Bounds
This journal article discusses using updated family-based public health interventions to reduce substance use, risky sexual behaviors and delinquent behaviors among racially and ethnically minoritized adolescents ages 12 to 17 who have experienced homelessness. The Support To Reunite, Involve and Value Each other (STRIVE) intervention uses cognitive behavioral therapy strategies to help families communicate, problem solve and create an overall positive family atmosphere. 

Availability of LGBTQ mental health services for U.S. youth, 2014 to 2020
JAMA Pediatrics, June 5, 2023
Fellow author: Kristen Choi
This journal article discusses how youth in the United States who identify as members of the LGBTQ community do not have much access to mental health services that are sensitive to their specific needs.

Comparing very low-carbohydrate vs DASH diets for overweight or obese adults with hypertension and prediabetes or Type 2 diabetes: a randomized trial
The Annals of Family Medicine, May 2023
Fellow author: Lenette M. Jones
This journal article discusses how overweight or obese adults with hypertension, prediabetes or Type 2 diabetes saw greater improvements in their systolic blood pressure, glycemic control, and weight over a four-month period by following a very low-carbohydrate diet instead of the DASH (dietary approaches to stop hypertension) diet.

Reproductive period duration and cognitive function in postmenopausal Latina women in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos
Maturitas, May 2023
Fellow author: Yamnia Cortés
This journal article explores whether reproductive period duration, age at the start of menstruation and age at menopause are related to cognitive function among postmenopausal Hispanic women and Latinas.

Strategies for recruiting young African American men for primary stroke prevention research
The Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, April 4, 2023
Fellow author: Dawn M. Aycock
This journal article discusses the development and evaluation of a recruitment plan to reach young African American men for a stroke reduction research project. 

Blood pressure and self-management in Black women with hypertension: protocol revisions to the brain relationships among information, neuroprocessing, and self-management study due to the COVID-19 pandemic
JMIR Research Protocols, April 2023
Fellow author: Lenette Jones
This journal article discusses how a research team focused on Black women with hypertension pivoted its in-person research tactics to remote study methods during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A qualitative analysis of stigmatizing language in birth admission clinical notes
Nursing Inquiry, April 2023
Fellow author: Veronica Barcelona
This journal article discusses the impact of stigmatizing language in the clinical notes of pregnant people during the admission process to give birth.
See PDF of abstract »

Parental caregivers' perception of their transition from hospital to home in children with cerebral palsy who have undergone orthopedic surgery
Journal of Pediatric Nursing, March-April 2023
Fellow author: Rachel DiFazio
This journal article discusses the impact of discharge instructions on parental caregiver's perception of their transition from the hospital to home after a child living with cerebral palsy has undergone orthopedic surgery.

Parental caregiver expectations and satisfaction following hip reconstruction and spinal fusion in children with cerebral palsy
Orthopedic Nursing, March-April 2023
Fellow author: Rachel DiFazio
This journal article explores parental caregiver expectations and satisfaction with hip and spine surgeries performed on children living with cerebral palsy.

Abstract: P258: Global Stress and Masked Hypertension in African-Americans: The Jackson Heart Study
Circulation, March 14, 2023
Fellow author: Lenette Jones
This journal article discusses the lack of association between chronic stress and masked hypertension among African Americans in the Jackson Heart Study.

Leveraging telehealth to address sexual assault nurse examiner access disparities in rural communities
Journal of Forensic Nursing, March 13, 2023
Fellow author: Sheridan Miyamoto
This journal article discusses the successes, challenges and lessons learned from two sexual assault telehealth centers, along with recommendations to advance sexual assault care access in underserved communities.

Prehabilitative interventions for solid tumor cancers: a scoping review protocol
Figshare, Feb. 21, 2023
Fellow author: Grace Campbell
This journal article assesses the extent of the literature on prehabilitation interventions for cancer patients undergoing surgery or chemotherapy, with specific emphasis on the components utilized in prehabilitation interventions.

Association of perceived neighborhood health with hypertension self-care
JAMA Network Open, February 2023
Fellow author: Maya Clark-Cutaia
This journal article discusses a study in which it was discovered that Black people who thought their neighborhoods were healthier did a better job taking care of their high blood pressure. This was especially true for people who had access to healthy foods at home.

The relationship between personal and contextual factors and participation restriction in mid-life caregivers 
The Journal of Aging and Health, January 2023
Fellow author: Grace Campbell
This journal article discusses how caregiving impacts middle-aged caregivers. These caregivers experience restrictions when it comes to participating in activities outside the home, which can lead to feelings of burden and poor health outcomes for both the caregiver and person being cared for.

Symptom experience during the late reproductive stage versus the menopausal transition in the Spanish-language Women Living Better survey
Menopause, January 2023
Fellow author: Yamnia Cortés
This journal article discusses how late-reproductive-stage women experience multiple symptoms associated with menopause and how a better understanding of symptoms experienced among Spanish-speaking women may lead to more personalized health care.

The role of legal status and uncertainty in the reproductive aspirations of 1.5 and second generation Mexican-origin immigrant young women: an exploratory study
Journal of Migration and Health, Jan. 24, 2023
Fellow author: Kate Coleman-Minahan
This journal article discusses how temporary legal status constrains young women's reproductive aspirations by limiting their ability to achieve desired forms of stability prior to parenting.

Trends in the survival benefit of repeat kidney transplantation over the past 3 decades 
American Journal of Transplantation, January 2023
Fellow author: Maya Clark-Cutaia
This journal article discusses the effectiveness of repeat kidney transplantation and the challenges associated with the practice.

Addressing social context in adverse childhood experience screening policy: implications for children with special health care needs
Journal of Pediatric Health Care, Nov. 30, 2022
Fellow author: Kristen Choi
This journal article discusses how adverse childhood experiences disproportionately impact children with special health care needs, especially racial and ethnic minority children, and the need to update California's policies to better screen for these experiences. 

Barriers to discharge after hip reconstruction surgery in non-ambulatory children with neurological complex chronic conditions
Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, September 1, 2022
Fellow author: Rachel DiFazio
This journal article characterizes discharge barriers children with neurological complex chronic conditions face after undergoing hip reconstruction surgery.

Equity in the provision of diabetes self-management education and support
Diabetes Spectrum, August 2022
Fellow author: Michelle Litchman
This journal article discusses the unique needs of various populations of people with diabetes and how to tailor accessible self-management education and support interventions.

Determining incidence and risk factors of pressure injury after orthopaedic surgery in children and adolescents with neuromuscular complex chronic conditions
Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, Aug. 2022
Fellow author: Rachel DiFazio
This journal article discusses additional risk factors associated with pressure injury for pediatric patients with neuromuscular complex chronic conditions who undergo orthopaedic surgery.

Pneumonia after hip surgery in children with neurological complex chronic conditions
Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, July 10, 2022
Fellow author: Rachel DiFazio
This journal article discusses how postoperative pneumonia following hip surgery in children with a neurological complex chronic condition is associated with longer hospital stays, readmissions and higher medical costs. Additional clinical support to prevent pneumonia is suggested as part of the findings in the article.

Nursing science as a federally-recognized STEM degree: A call to action for the United States with global implications
International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances, June 26, 2022
Fellow author: Jessica Keim-Malpass
This journal article pitches the idea of including nursing science as a federally recognized science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) discipline since it contributes to advancements in patient care, public health and innovation within numerous scientific domains.

Beyond prediction: Off-target uses of artificial intelligence-based predictive analytics in a learning health system
Learning Health Systems, June 23, 2022
Fellow author: Jessica Keim-Malpass
This journal article discusses using artificial intelligence-based predictive analytics to improve patient care through early warning of the risk of clinical deterioration and improved situational awareness.

Cost utility of bronchial thermoplasty for severe asthma:  Implications for future cost effectiveness analyses based on phenotypic heterogeneity
ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research, June 17, 2022
Fellow author: Jessica Keim-Malpass
This journal article discusses how bronchial thermoplasty is the dominant treatment strategy for people with severe asthma. Despite a larger upfront cost for the therapy, the article states there is a durable clinical and economic benefit over time for those with severe asthma.

Improving transitions and outcomes of sepsis survivors (I-TRANSFER): a type 1 hybrid protocol
BMC Palliative Care, June 2, 2022
Fellow author: Melissa O'Connor
This journal article discusses research findings indicating that 30-day rehospitalization rates are lower when sepsis survivors receive a home-health care nursing visit within two days of hospital discharge, plus an additional nursing visit during the first week and an outpatient provider follow-up visit within the first week.

Limited diabetes education and resources in American Sign Language
Diabetes Spectrum, May 13, 2022
Fellow author: Michelle Litchman
This journal article discusses how there is insufficient diabetes education content in American Sign Language (ASL) on YouTube and urges professional diabetes organizations in the United States to partner with deaf organizations to develop and deliver diabetes education content that is accessible to the deaf community.

Individual illness dynamics: An analysis of children with sepsis admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit
PLOS Digital Health, March 17, 2022
Fellow author: Jessica Keim-Malpass
This journal article introduces the concept of characterizing individual illness dynamics using illness severity scores and a multivariable prediction model in patients who experience sepsis in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU).

Rural and urban disparities in quality of home health care: A longitudinal cohort study (2014-2018)
Journal of Rural Health, Jan. 5, 2022
Fellow author: Melissa O'Connor
This journal article examines disparities in quality performance between rural and urban home-health agencies between 2014 and 2018.

A syndemic effect: Interrelationships between systemic racism, health disparities, and COVID-19
Nursing, January 2022
Fellow author: Schenita Randolph
This journal article discusses the interconnection between the syndemic effect of racial inequities and disparities as well as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Black Americans. It also highlights meaningful reforms and priorities to achieve health equity in Black communities.

Digital health and telehealth for behavior change in diabetes
"Diabetes Digital Health and Telehealth," 2022
Fellow author: Michelle Litchman
This book chapter focuses on how digital health and telehealth can be used to help people with diabetes better self-manage their disease. The text reviews the current evidence, barriers, and future directions for digital health and telehealth interventions in the context of behavior change.

The efficacy of web or mobile-based interventions to alleviate emotional symptoms in people with advanced cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Supportive Care in Cancer, Nov. 4., 2021
Fellow author: Stephanie Gilbertson-White
This journal article critically evaluates the efficacy of web or mobile-based interventions impacting emotional symptoms in patients with advanced cancer.

Nursing and precision predictive analytics monitoring in the acute and intensive care setting: An emerging role for responding to COVID-19 and beyond
International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances, November 2021
Fellow author: Jessica Keim-Malpass
This journal article introduces the concept of precision predictive analytics monitoring, an artificial-intelligence-based tool that translates clinical data into a real-time estimation of patient risks and allows for evolving acuity assessments and detection of clinical deterioration while the patient is in pre-symptomatic states.

Black nurse scientists and the undeniable role of historically Black colleges and universities
Nursing Outlook, Oct. 6, 2021
Fellow authors: Dawn M. Aycock, Kamila A. Alexander, Fawn A. Cothran and Schenita D. Randolph
Written by four inaugural fellows, this journal article discusses the importance of historically Black colleges and universities and how nurses who graduate from these establishments are well-positioned to address the health inequities in Black communities. 

Continuous cardiorespiratory monitoring is a dominant source of predictive signal in machine learning for risk stratification and clinical decision support
Physiological Measurement, Sept. 27, 2021
Fellow author: Jessica Keim-Malpass
This journal article discusses how continuous cardiorespiratory monitoring is the most valuable non-clinician-initiated predictive signal present in patient data, and the value added to patient care justifies the efforts and expense required to implement such monitoring.

BARRIERS to early detection of deterioration in hospitalized infants using predictive analytics
Hospital Pediatrics, Sept. 11, 2021
Fellow author: Jessica Keim-Malpass
This journal article discusses the challenges associated with detecting a hospitalized infant’s deterioration early on using predictive analysis and the unique challenges of recognizing illnesses in infants and nonverbal children. BARRIERS is an acronym for babies, analytics, reactors, reassurance, integration, equipment, reeducation and space.

Physiological machine learning models for prediction of sepsis in hospitalized adults: An integrative review
Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, August 2021
Fellow author: Jessica Keim-Malpass
This journal article focuses on evaluating the modeling approach and statistical methodology of machine learning prediction models for sepsis in hospitalized adults.

The need for parent-adolescent conversations about racial discrimination in HIV prevention interventions
Journal of Adolescent Health, August 2021
Fellow author: Schenita D. Randolph
This journal article explores how parents play a significant role in helping children develop positive racial identities, which is linked to having fewer sexual partners.

Predictive monitoring-impact in acute care cardiology trial (PM-IMPACCT): Protocol for a randomized controlled trial
JMIR Research Protocols, July 2, 2021
Fellow author: Jessica Keim-Malpass
In this journal article, an inaugural fellow assesses the effectiveness of an advanced artificial intelligence predictive analysis monitoring system that uses real-time telemetric data to detect the early signs of decompensation in patients in acute care wards.

Dynamic data in the ED predict requirement for ICU transfer following acute care admission
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, May 2021
Fellow author: Jessica Keim-Malpass
This journal article outlines using a predictive analytic tool to identify emergency department patients that required an intensive or immediate care unit within 24 hours after being admitted to an acute care unit.

"Live your life cuz everybody's terminal": Describing emotions and coping behaviors of rural advanced cancer patients
The Journal of Rural Health, April 15, 2021
Fellow author: Stephanie Gilbertson-White
This journal article focuses on the ways rural people with advanced cancer process emotions and cope with their disease and how a rural setting may contribute to the emotional process.

Web and mobile-based symptom management interventions for physical symptoms of people with advanced cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Palliative medicine, April 12, 2021
Fellow author: Stephanie Gilbertson-White
The efficacy of web- and mobile-based symptom management interventions for people with advanced cancer is discussed in this journal article.

Accuracy of PEWS scores and monitoring presence prior to emergent pediatric ICU transfer: A retrospective analysis
JMIR Research Protocols, Feb. 22, 2021
Fellow author: Jessica Keim-Malpass
In this journal article, the accuracy of pediatric early warning scores (PEWS) is assessed as well as whether the scores are helpful prior to a patient’s need to transfer to a pediatric intensive care unit.

Relationship between age at diagnosis and cancer clinical trial participation: Results from a nationally representative sample of cancer survivors
JAMA Network Open, Feb. 18. 2021
Fellow author: Jessica Keim-Malpass
Inequal access to clinical trials for adolescents and young adults with cancer, as well as adults ages 65 and older, is explored in this journal article.

The influence of multiple chronic conditions on symptom clusters in people with solid tumor cancers
Cancer Nursing, Feb. 12, 2021
Fellow author: Stephanie Gilbertson-White
This journal article describes the multiple chronic conditions and co-occurring symptoms known as symptom clusters that people with cancer experience. The author also explores symptom severity, symptom interference with daily life and quality of life.