To refer a patient, please follow these steps:

Write a referral letter with brief summary outlining past and current pertinent medical history about the patient. The letter should also include:

  • Patient contact information
  • Patient contact information
  • Insurance provider
  • Last four progress notes
  • Imaging
  • Labs (i.e., CBC, metabolic panel, hemoglobin electrophoresis, iron studies, sickle cell genotype)
  • Demographic sheet

Add "Attention: New Patient Referral" to the top of the letter or cover page and fax to 916-703-5266.

Phone : 916-734-5959 | Fax : 916-457-4542 / 916-703-5265
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Outside of business hours or on weekends and holidays, please call 916-734-2011