Stock image of person lying next to alarm clock

Ages: 22-70 years

depression, major depression, deep brain stimulation, major depressive disorder, MDD, treatment resistant depression

TRANSCEND Study: Deep Brain Stimulation for Treatment Resistant Depression

The TRANSCEND Study is a clinical study for people with depression who have been unable to find relief from their symptoms after trying at least four different antidepressant treatments. The goal of the study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of deep brain stimulation (DBS) as an investigational therapy to treat treatment resistant depression (TRD) using the Infinity DBS System. 
DBS involves a surgical procedure during which electrodes are placed in the brain. The DBS electrodes will stimulate an area in the brain thought to help reduce the symptoms of depression. 

Recruitment Period:
Recruitment period is currently open.

Visit the TRANSCEND study page for more details

Sleep study graphic, stock image of books and sleeping racoon

Ages: 15–20 years

Sleep, hours needed, teenage years, children, adolescents, sleep schedule, sleep lab

Adolescent Sleep Study

We need participants to help with our sleep research!

Researchers at the UC Davis Sleep Lab are seeking to answer the question about how much sleep children need and if this need changes across the teenage years. We are looking for participants who are 15 to 20 years old and live in Davis, Dixon or Woodland.

Recruitment Period:
Currently open and offering financial compensation for participation.

Visit the UC Davis Sleep Lab study site for more details

VRAM study, photo of young boy wearing VR goggles

Ages: 8–13 years

virtual reality, children, teenagers, ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Virtual Reality Attention Management, VRAM study

Researchers at the UC Davis MIND Institute are using a virtual reality environment to test whether a new intervention can help persons with attention problems or who have ADHD with significant inattention, learn to ignore distractions, e.g., peers talking, clock ticking.

Recruitment Period:
We are actively recruiting young children and teenagers with ADHD to participate in the study.

Visit the VRAM study site for more details

MINT study

Ages: 15–30 years

ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, teens, young adults, self control, impulsivity

MINT Study, Mapping Impulsivity Neurodevelopmental Trajectories


Are you 15 to 30 years old? Help science learn about self-control and decision making in the growing brain!

We are studying brain development in teens and young adults to discover more about how self-control develops. Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is associated with even higher rates of impulsivity and self-control problems. Findings from this study may help us better understand the development of self-control in adolescents and young adults with and without ADHD.

Recruitment Period:
We are actively recruiting teenagers and young adults to participate in this study. Compensation is available.

Visit the MINT study site for more details