Welcome to the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Services at UC Davis. Our department’s commitment is both broad and deep in what we deliver — from comprehensive training and education programs for residents and fellows to mental and behavioral health services for a diverse patient population to nationally-funded, leading-edge psychiatric research. We encourage you to explore more to understand the scope of our reach.
— Helen Kales, M.D., Department Chair, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Named a Best Grad School for Psychiatry in 2023-2024 by U.S. News & World Report
UC Davis School of Medicine’s psychiatry program is ranked 15th nationwide, placing it among the best medical education psychiatry programs in the nation according to the latest academic rankings released by U.S. News & World Report.
More about rankings
Full range of mental health services
We provide a comprehensive range of mental health services for adults and children. Our specialties include adult and child psychiatry, trauma recovery and a nationally recognized early psychosis program.

Training and education in psychiatry
We offer residency, fellowship and specialized psychiatry training programs and are one of only two institutions in the country offering combined psychiatry residency training programs in internal medicine and family medicine.

Nationally funded research leader
Our department receives more than $25 million from the National Institutes of Health and ranks 14th in the nation for funding with major research strengths in autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders as well as imaging, aging, dementia and early psychosis.
Who we are
The Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at UC Davis is a collaborative team of more than 540 faculty, staff, residents, fellows, trainees and volunteers.
Our major areas of commitment are training and education in psychiatry and psychology; clinical and basic neuroscience research in areas such as autism, ADHD, dementia and aging; and the provision of mental health services to a diverse socioeconomic population throughout the greater Sacramento area.
Diversity in action
We are committed to providing a more just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive environment for our faculty, staff, trainees, students, and, most importantly, the patients we serve. Efforts include a commitment to racial justice through health equity research, evaluation of our recruitment and retention strategies and integrated cultural psychiatry training.
Community programs
Our location in the capitol affords us the opportunity to be involved in providing mental health services for programs at the county and state levels as well as in the local Sacramento community. These programs serve an economically and ethnically diverse patient population, including underserved and homeless patient populations.
Our behavioral health clinics
Behavioral Health Center - Adult EDAPT Clinic
2230 Stockton Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95817
Children’s Behavioral Health Center - Children’s Clinic
2248 Stockton Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95817
Substance Use Disorders Treatment Clinic
Ticon I Bldg., 2000 Stockton Blvd., Suite 2003
Sacramento, CA 95817
Advanced Psychiatrics Therapeutics Clinic
Lawrence J. Ellison Ambulatory Care Center, 4860 Y St., Suite 2400
Sacramento, CA 95817