Annual Research Impact Reports

The School of Medicine Office of Research Annual Research Impact Reports provide a snapshot of just a few of the more than 500 principal investigators directing basic, translational and clinical research projects at UC Davis School of Medicine.

2023-2024 Impact Report Cover

2023-2024 Research Impact Report

This year’s report highlights the remarkable real-world impact of our research, showcasing the innovations that are making a tangible difference in patients’ lives and shaping the future of healthcare.

2022-2023 Impact Report Cover

2022-2023 Research Impact Report

This report showcases the incredible research being conducted by our faculty that aims to put new knowledge, diagnostic tools, treatments and cures into use to better the lives of not only our own patients, but those worldwide. 

2022-2022 Impact Report Cover

2021-2022 Research Impact Report

Read about our record-breaking year for research funding and some of the exciting investigations that this funding has and will support. Our investigators are working across the entire spectrum of biomedical research, from experiments on cells and molecules to studies that assess the effectiveness of public health interventions and engage our surrounding communities.