UC Davis Health’s Women in Medicine and Health Sciences (WIMHS) program is an alliance with Women in Medicine and Science (WIMS) in medical schools throughout the nation through its interactions with the AAMC Group on Women in Medicine and Science (GWIMS). We also partner with the medical student group with a similar mission, American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA).

Our Priority Areas


To become an AAMC leader in the recruitment and retention of women faculty, especially for those at the ranks of Associate and Full Professor.


To identify vulnerable groups of women for departure, increase access to mentors and provide guidance on the advancement process.

Culture and Environment:

To enhance and improve the current culture and promote women’s careers in medicine and health sciences.


To develop navigation roadmaps to leadership excellence for women.


To provide advocacy and seek opportunities for scholarly contributions and other collaborative work.

What we’ve been up to

Department Events

Departmental liaisons facilitate various meetings and events to raise awareness and support our mission of ensuring the success of women in all roles within academic medicine.

WIMHS Coffee Talk

WIMHS Coffee Talk

The WIMHS liaisons for the departments of Neurology and Pathology and Laboratory Medicine host periodic virtual “coffee talk” sessions with special guest speakers!

Stay tuned for the next session announcement.

Basic Science Symposium

Basic Science Symposium

In celebration of Women’s History Month, WIMHS liaisons for the Basic Sciences Departments coordinate a symposium complete with keynote speakers, presentations, and social event!

Registration for the 2025 Symposium has closed.

WIMHS Speaker Series

"Moving the Needle: Mentorship, Sponsorship and Allyship” by Nancy Spector

Negotiation Workshop for Women in Medicine

Celebrate Women in Medicine Month with a special negotiation workshop presented by the 2020 recipient of the Joan F. Giambalvo Fund for the Advancement of Women, Anees B. Chagpar, M.D., M.Sc., M.P.H., M.A., M.B.A., F.A.C.S., professor, Yale University, principal investigator.

There are discrepancies in pay, position and perks between men and women in all fields, including in medicine and surgery. This is mediated, in part, by a discomfort in negotiation by women, which can potentially be mitigated by negotiation training.

Anees Chagpar will discuss her research focused on the creation and assessment of a virtual negotiation workshop for women physicians as well as provide tips and advice to guide the negotiation process. She will be available to answer questions in the YouTube chat during the event.

View Webinar Recording


Funding to Support with COVID-19-related Caregiving

Melissa D. Bauman, Ph.D.Melissa D. Bauman, Ph.D.

Colleen Clancy, Ph.D.Colleen Clancy, Ph.D.

November 17, 2021

The successful application, “A Novel Program to Identify, Support and Retain Clinical Scientists Impacted by Pandemic Caregiving Challenges”, developed by Melissa Bauman, professor and director of UC Davis Health’s Women in Medicine and Health Sciences and Colleen Clancy, professor and associate vice chancellor for academic personnel, who will serve as co-directors, received funding and program support from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and its funding partner – the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, to bolster research productivity and allow them to participate in small group, professional development mentoring activities. Congratulations!!

Read more

What our program scholars say…

Debbie A. Aizenberg, M.D.

An opportunity to address critical issues …

As a WIMHS fellow, I had the opportunity to address some of the critical issues that are holding women physicians back from achieving their full potential through education, research and collaboration with leadership. I was also able to improve my leadership skills through mentorship and WIMHS driven programs and activities.

Debbie A. Aizenberg, M.D., 2019-2020 WIMHS Fellow, Health Sciences Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Otolaryngology

Shannon Suo, M.D., DFAPA

An incredible opportunity for an academic physician…

Through mentorship and experience as a WIMHS scholar, I know that I will become a more effective leader and educator. I hope that through my example and my mentorship of others that we may continue to grow the recruitment, advancement, and retention of women faculty in UC Davis Health.

Shannon Suo, M.D., DFAPA, 2017-2018 WIMHS Scholar, Health Sciences Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Ulfat Shaikh, M.D., M.P.H., M.S.

I participated in UC Davis Health’s strategic planning to ensure the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women

My experience as WIMHS Scholar helped me improve my understanding of leadership in academic medicine, improved my own leadership skills, and helped me network with current and future leaders.

Ulfat Shaikh, M.D., M.P.H., M.S., 2016-2017 WIMHS Scholar, Professor of Pediatrics, Director of Health Care Quality

Need a co-sponsor for an event or faculty training opportunity?

WIMHS welcomes opportunities to co-sponsor events, training, speaking engagements and other faculty development efforts for women faculty. If you or your department have an event, speaking topic idea, or training opportunity and are interested in co-sponsoring with WIMHS, get in touch with us.