surgery team weaves tapestry of survival
lights are dimmed in this seventh-floor conference room late on
a Monday afternoon. Singly, a dozen or so white-coated, scrub-clad
doctors and nurses wander in, seemingly without intent. Their scattered
talk of new and continuing patients subtly metamorphoses into more
deliberate case presentations and analyses of approaches and outcomes.
Bill Nemzek lowers the slide screen and begins to illustrate the
discussions with the ghostly images of CT and MRI scans, pointing
to the shadows and specters that are threatening to transform dynamic
lives into untimely deaths. Ideas are proffered, approaches explored.
From this unstructured exploration emerges a strategy for each patient:
maybe surgery, maybe some radiation and chemotherapy, maybe just
supportive comfort care.
common denominator underlying every exchange is hope - hope that
this team of highly trained and deeply committed doctors and nurses
can weave their varied talents together to create a tapestry of
survival and an acceptable quality of life for each patient.
is the skull-base surgery team at UC Davis: neurosur- geons, otologists,
head and neck surgeons and plastic surgeons; pathologists, radiologists,
oncologists, acute-care nurses, and clinical nurse specialists;
speech therapists, audiologists and dentists. It is a vital component
of the growing cancer program here. Each member brings special knowledge
and skills to bear on the most complex cases of cancer, those that
have gained a sure and certain foothold in one or more of the labyrinthine
crevices of the lower skull. Sinuses, eye sockets, nasal passages,
ear canals, jaws, palates and, yes, brains.
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