cells Kung seeks cancer trigger
Kung sits in an empty office behind an uncluttered desk. The bookshelves
are barren, the walls blank. Next door are rows and rows of empty
lab benches, vacant shelves and unused ventilation hoods. Only the
vivid blue of an architect's plan casually spread over a countertop
animates this void.
here yet attests to the prestige of its new occupant, a world-renowned
researcher who works at the most basic level of science to elucidate
how certain genes trigger particular cells to grow out of control
and become what we know as cancer.
labs, hallways, storage spaces and office carrels await the arrival
of his research team and the extraordinary equipment that today's
cutting-edge researchers use in their perennial quest for the elusive.
Kung's flashing eyes and infectious smile suggest the excitement
that will fill these spaces with the work he envisions doing here.
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