Hugh Edmondson Research Internship
Welcome Class of 2024 Hugh Edmondson Research Interns (Pictured left to right: Sahir Eusuff, Amanda Amos, Katherine “Katie” Yan, Antara Mallick, Maritza Campos, Adyasha Padhi, Matthew Kwok, Venkata Pullabhotla, Antony Cissna, Dua Hassan, Julianna Campos).
The Hugh Edmondson Summer Research Internship Program provides a unique research opportunity for motivated undergraduate college students, within the United States, who have demonstrated a strong interest in research in the health sciences.
The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine is pausing the program in 2025 to reorganize under new leadership. Co-directors Swikrity Baskota, M.D., Assistant Professor of Surgical Pathology, and Vihar Patel, M.D., Assistant Professor, Neuropathology, are both active educators in the Pathology Department’s medical student elective curriculum as well as its residency training program. Their enthusiasm, vision and wealth of teaching experience will guide the relaunch in 2026, with the goal of providing a unique and translational medical research opportunity.
The internship program application will open November 21, 2025. Pathology faculty will supervise and mentor selected undergraduate medical students in various pathology laboratories located at the medical center/health sciences campus in Sacramento. In addition to research activities, the program offers weekly lectures and problem-based-learning exercises that promote investigative and critical thinking.
The goals of the Edmondson Summer Research Internship Program are to:
- Provide interns with knowledge and skills in a research environment to instill love for science and foster lifelong learning experiences
- Promote new scientific research technologies that aid in patient diagnosis
- Promote professionalism, honesty, integrity, compassion, leadership, and respect for academic excellence and community services
See: an article on the Hugh Edmondson Summer Research Internship Program (PDF)
“I worked with Pathology Assistant Professor Nam Tran and UC Davis Medical Center’s burn unit faculty and staff to assess a new FDA-approved device to detect sepsis and the presence of genes that enable bacteria to resist antibiotic treatment. As a microbiology major, my previous work has been in the lab, so this was the first time that I’ve had the chance to be in the clinic, collecting patient data and seeing how physicians make decisions based on patients’ vital signs and blood test results,” he said. It’s information that you can’t learn in school. It’s also rewarding to be a part of the research team with specific responsibilities and to evaluate the results of data that I’ve been collecting for the past two months.”
-- Joseph Pansius, Senior, Arizona State University; 2014 Edmondson Intern
“The internship at UC Davis gave me much more hands-on experience in conducting research. I identified new contrast agents and learned how to operate a micro CT scanner to evaluate the images obtained using the new agents. I also learned to be flexible and make adjustments to the research protocol based on unexpected events and outcomes.”
-- Ivelisse Dyson, Junior, Pace University; 2014 Edmondson Intern