Our Team
Ellen b. Gold, M.D. 

Clinical/Research Interests
Dr. Gold's research focuses on:
1. Lifestyle and other Factors Related to Hot Flashes and the Timing of Menopause
2. Lifestyle and Ovarian Function in Midlife Women
3. Endocrine and other Health Effects of Environmental Exposures in Women.
Center/Program Affiliation:
Baltimore, Maryland
Ph.D. 1977
Los Angeles, California
M.A. 1972
Los Angeles, California
B.A. 1970
Professional Memberships:
American College of Epidemiology
American Public Health Association
International Society for Environmental Epidemiology
North American Menopause Society
Society for Epidemiological Research
Honors and Awards:
Attendee in AAMC Executive Development Seminar, 2007
Dean’s Excellence in Mentoring Award, UC Davis School of Medicine, 2007
Outstanding Faculty/Staff Award, UC Davis Graduate Group in Epidemiology, 2005
Outstanding Mentor Award, UC Davis Consortium for Women and Research, 2002
Select Recent Publications:
Joffe H, Chang Y, Dhaliwal S, Hess R, Thurston R, Gold EB, Matthews KA, Bromberger JT. Lifetime history of depression and anxiety disorders predicts low quality-of-life in midlife women in the absence of current illness episodes. Arch Gen Psychiatr 2012;69(5):484-492.
Caan B, Emond J, Su H, Patterson R, Flatt S, Gold E, Newman V, Rock C, Thomson C, Pierce J. Effect of post diagnosis weight change on hot flash status among early stage breast cancer survivors. J Clin Oncol 2012;30(13):1492-7.
Garcia L, Gold EB, Wang Lu, Yang X, Mao M, Schwartz A. Obesity, pre-diabetes and diabetes by acculturation level among US Mexican-American women and men. Eth Dis 2012;22:58-64.
Tepper P, Randolph Jr RF, McConnell D, Crawford S, El Khoudary SR, Joffe H, Gold E, Zheng H, Bromberger J, Sutton-Tyrell K. Trajectory clustering of estradiol and follicle stimulating hormone during the menopausal transition in the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation (SWAN). J Clin Endocrinol Met 2012;97:2872-80.
Greendale GA, Huang M-H, Leung K, Crawford SL, Gold EB, Wight R, Waetjen LE, Karlamanga AS. Dietary phytoestrogen intakes and cognitive function during the menopause transition: Results from the SWAN Phytoestrogen Study. Menopause 2012;19:894-903.
Thurston RC, El Khoudary SR, Sutton-Tyrrell K, Crandall CJ, Gold EB, Sternfeld B, Joffe H, Selzer F, Matthews KA. Vasomotor symptoms and lipid profiles in women transitioning through menopause. Obstet Gynecol 2012;119:753-761.
Huang M-H, Norris J, Han W, Block T, Gold E, Crawford S, Greendale G. Development of an updated phytoestrogen database for use with the SWAN Food Frequency Questionnaire: intakes and food sources in a community-based, multiethnic cohort study. Nutr Cancer 2012;64:228-244
Zheng H, Sowers MF, Buysse DJ, Consens F, Kravitz HM, Matthews KA, Owens JF, Gold EB, Hall M. Sources of variability in epidemiological studies of sleep using repeated nights of in-home polysomnography: SWAN Sleep Study. J Clin Sleep Med 2012;8(1):87-96.
Campbell IA, Bromberger J, Buysse DJ, Hall MH, Hardin KA, Kravitz HM, Matthews KA, O’Neill Rasor M, Utts J, Gold EB. Evaluation of the association of menopausal status with delta and beta EEG activity during sleep. Sleep 2011;34(11):1561-8.
Additional list of publications
To see if Ellen B. Gold is accepting new patients, or for assistance finding a UC Davis doctor, please call 800-2-UCDAVIS (800-282-3284).