New CAARE Center web course teaches trauma-responsive knowledge to caregivers
The UC Davis CAARE Center has launched a free new web course this month for caregivers of youth experiencing sex trafficking and exploitation. This web course was funded by the California Department of Social Services and created by Dawn Blacker, interim co-director and training director at the UC Davis CAARE Center, and Brandi Liles, a trauma responsive care trainer at the UC Davis CAARE Center. Together, Blacker and Liles have 25 years of experience working with sexually exploited youth and their caregivers.

The three-hour web course, entitled “Increasing Trauma-Responsive Knowledge and Practical Skills: A Web Course for Caregivers of Youth Experiencing Sex Trafficking and Exploitation,” includes three modules about:
- Information about sex trafficking
- Meeting the needs of youth with practical parenting strategies
- Secondary traumatic stress and self-care strategies
“We are proud to offer these tools to families, foster parents, residential staff and anyone who would benefit from this resource,” said Blacker. “We hope that offering trauma-responsive knowledge and practical skills will better equip caregivers who need them.”
To register, visit