Affiliation with UC Davis Health Cancer Care Network enhances advanced cancer treatment for patients in the Chico region

Enloe Health and UC Davis Health are bringing leading-edge cancer research and clinical trials to Northern California. As the newest affiliate of the UC Davis Health Cancer Care Network, Enloe Health can now open innovative clinical trials with the full support of UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center.

The affiliation brings the latest discoveries in cancer care to Enloe Regional Cancer Center without its patients ever leaving the convenience of their local health system.

Breaking new ground

In May 2024, Enloe Health held a groundbreaking ceremony in Chico for its new Gonzales Comprehensive Cancer Center, which is expected to open in 2026.

“UC Davis research has immense promise for improving cancer survival and treatment outcomes,” said Sam Mazj, medical director of the Enloe Health Gonzales Comprehensive Cancer Center. “Enloe Health’s affiliation with UC Davis will bring together a diverse team of scientists, medical professionals, and community partners to conduct cutting-edge research and treatment in our community. It symbolizes hope.”

Enloe Health’s new Gonzales Comprehensive Cancer Center, an approximately 97,000-square-foot state-of-the-art facility, will replace the Enloe Health Regional Cancer Center. The new center will respond to the dire need for more cancer care services in the North State, where cancer is a leading cause of death.

The new center will serve Northern California between Colusa County and the Oregon border. It will include expanded patient care space, advanced treatment options, enhanced equipment, integrated supportive therapies, and more.

“This is a truly transformative partnership,” said UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center Director Primo “Lucky” Lara Jr. “The best part is patients will not have to travel to Sacramento to have the access to advanced research that they deserve.”