Undoubtedly many of you have read about the problems
at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the questions that have
been raised about the importance of the interactions between the
national laboratories and the University of California. While I
cannot speak to the other laboratories, I certainly can talk about
the relationship between Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
and our cancer center.
The relationship is of great benefit to both institutions. To cite
just one example, our integrated cancer research program was a driving
force in the establishment of the Center for Biophotonics Science
and Technology at UC Davis. Funded by a $40 million National Science
Foundation grant, the center unites scientists from UC Davis, Lawrence
Livermore, UC Berkeley, UC San Francisco, Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory, Stanford and five other universities nationwide. Dennis
Matthews, leader of the medical technology program at Lawrence Livermore,
and Jim Boggan, a neurosurgeon in our cancer program, are co-directors
of the new center.
Our integrated cancer program will share research space with the
biophotonics center, in a new building next to our existing research
buildings. And our scientists will share knowledge and ideas. Just
this spring, cancer center and Lawrence Livermore scientists jointly
applied for a $5 million grant to develop optical methods of detecting
and treating cancer.
Other joint projects are in the works, to the mutual good of both
UC Davis and Lawrence Livermore — and to the benefit of our
patients, now and in the future.
In this issue, you will read about John Boone’s development
of a kinder, gentler, more accurate mammogram system based on CT
scanning technology. You will also meet Wolf-Dietrich Heyer, who
explains how cellular DNA repair mechanisms may be manipulated to
render anti-cancer therapy more effective.
Colleen Sweeney, who joined our program from Harvard, tells us about
her efforts to understand how localized transitional cell carcinoma
of the bladder metastasizes. Fred Meyers, long a leader in palliative
care, describes his pioneering new model of cancer treatment, a
humane approach that allows patients to fight their disease and
receive hospice care at the same time.
Finally, we are delighted to introduce you to Srinivasan Vijayakumar
from the University of Illinois as chair of the Department of Radiation
Oncology. Why he is such a great asset to our program will be revealed
in this issue of Synthesis.

W. deVere White, MD
Director, UC Davis Cancer Center
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deVere White,
UC Davis Cancer Center |