for signals
science doesn't grab a lot of headlines. New drugs and new discoveries
about this-or-that risk factor fill the front page. And yet, virtually
none of these discoveries would be possible without the foundational
work of basic science.
science, and scientists like Kermit Carraway.
involved in basic science study how cells talk to each other and
the implications of this conversation. In doing so, they create
the blueprints for future developments in cancer treatment. Basic
science is an essential component of a cancer center based in a
teaching hospital and one that distinguishes it from community-based
cancer programs.
Hsing-Jien Kung, a nationally-known cancer scientist, came to the
UC Davis Cancer Center to serve as director of basic science, several
researchers have joined this integral division of the cancer program.
an assistant professor of biological chemistry in the UC Davis School
of Medicine, is one. He studies a family of amino acids known as
tyrosine kinases in an effort to understand how the process of cell
growth goes awry in cancer - why, in effect, good cells go bad.
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