cancer in its tracks
men, two cases of prostate cancer, two outcomes.
first is a 44-year-old whose prostate cancer was discovered during
a routine physical. He underwent surgery to have the organ removed.
Test showed no cancer in surrounding tissues, so he's probably cured.
Nine times out of ten, men in his situation don't have a recurrence.
His prostate cancer could well be a mere bump on the road to a long
and healthy life.
second gentleman was less fortunate. He too was diagnosed at a relatively
young age - in his case, at 50. But by the time doctors learned
of his condition, the disease had spread beyond the prostate gland
into the bones. The prognosis for this kind of prostate cancer isn't
good. Most men die within three years.
stories, with details smudged for confidentiality. Both of these
men are patients of Dr. Christopher Evans, an assistant professor
of urology at the UC Davis Medical Center. They're why he wants
to find better ways to fight the most deadly varieties of this common
male cancer.
cancer is the most diagnosed malignancy in men. About one in eleven
will develop the disease and about 3 percent will die from it -
40,000 American men this year alone. About the same number of women
are expected to die from breast cancer.
enigma of prostate cancer, as with many neoplastic diseases, is
why some prostate cancers are readily treated and why others are
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