tool uses radio wave electricity to kill liver, kidney tumors
works best in the case of small, localized tumors where patients
cannot undergo surgery," says McGahan. "This woman had
a lot of pre-existing health problems and she had only one kidney
to begin with, so surgery was a high risk."
Everett of Klamath Falls, Ore., traveled 300 miles to have her cancer
treated at the UC Davis Medical Center.
68-year-old suffers from a long list of illnesses: chronic respiratory
problems, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and hepatitis C, among others.
Her right kidney was removed 30 years ago.
family physician came across her cancer when she underwent a CT
scan of her lungs for a different problem. Tests revealed a shadow
on her remaining kidney that was diag- nosed as renal cell carcinoma.
Her physician recommended she go to an expert to have the tumor
removed; Everett chose UC Davis Medical Center.
was lucky they caught it so early," says Everett. "Dr.
McGahan explained everything so well to myself and my family that
we lost a lot of our fear about the procedure. He even let my middle
daughter come into the room to watch."
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