cancer doctors have been limited to using relatively nonspecific
drugs that cause tremendous side effects, but in the last 15 years
there have been many developments in the area of the molecular biology
of cancer," said Lam. "We now have a much better understanding
at the molecular level of how cancer becomes cancer.
this knowledge, we can develop tens of thousands of compounds and
screen for those that target the molecular defects of cancer. And
we hope these target-specific drugs will be more effective and have
fewer side effects."
favorite metaphor for the process of combinatorial chemistry is
a toy his wife, Bonnie, gave his nine-year-old daughter, Reina,
four years ago.
plastic pieces, which are all different from one another, can be
mixed and matched so Reina can make whatever she wants," he
said. "It's like combining pieces of molecules to make a variety
of combinations whose effectiveness as a cancer drug can be tested."
trick is knowing just exactly which of these syntheti- cally created
molecules will produce the desired outcome.
this next step, different metaphors are invoked.
Geysen of the pharma- ceutical company Glaxo Wellcome Inc., who
has worked on drug development since the early 1980s, used tennis
balls to describe the process to a Dallas Morning News reporter
last year: "Suppose you were given a million tennis balls,
and one of them had a gold nugget in it. And I told you that you
could keep it if you find it in an hour. The quickest way to find
it would be to divide the balls into two batches of exactly 500,000.
The heavier would have the gold. By dividing the heavier sets again
and again, only one tennis ball would eventually be left."
use a safe with an unknown combination to describe the challenge
of finding just the right compound. To open the safe one would have
to try an unwieldy series of different combinations of numbers until
ferreting out just the right one. It would take eons to develop
one drug, never mind the many that cancer researchers are seeking.
is in this critical needle-in-the-haystack step of combinatorial
chemistry where Lam has made a major contribution. While at the
Arizona Cancer Center, Lam developed a method for creating a kind
of chemical library that contains more than a million different
peptides, the short stretches of protein molecules responsible for
the work of a cell. Using this landmark library, chemists can run
thousands of chemical reactions simultaneously.
achieve this tour de force Lam was able to fix each peptide to a
different plastic bead the diameter of a human hair. He first divided
the beads into 20 groups and exposed each group to a reaction solution
that added one of 20 different amino acids, the subunits that make
up the peptide. As a result, the amino acid was chemically bonded
to each bead.
then washed the beads, divided them into 20 groups and exposed them
to another 20 different amino acids, which in turn proceeded to
bond to the amino acid already on the beads to form a peptide chain.
five such steps, he had - all in a matter of 48 hours - 3.2 million
different new compounds, each on a separate bead, and each of which
could be evaluated for biological activity simultaneously
one-bead, one-compound approach led to further developments that
now allow chemists like Lam to create a circular chemical molecule
with several different side-branches extending from the circle,
where hundreds of different possible building blocks can be added
to several different sites on a molecule. This addresses the need
for effective cancer drugs to unlock a particular protein - one
of potentially several - in the cancer cell.
this method," said Lam, "we can potentially identify compounds
that bind to a variety of cancer targets at different parts of the
cancer cell: the envelope or surface coating of the cell, the interior
of the cell or those in the nucleus. Some of these compounds may
eventually develop into effective anti-cancer drugs."
process is further facilitated with advances in computational chemistry,
which employs highly sophisticated computers to make models of the
molecular structure of the target protein and the potential drug,
and robotics, which greatly speeds the process by performing such
mechanical tasks as routine biological or biochemical assays.
with new, faster ways to find anti-cancer compounds, Lam describes
himself as cautiously optimistic about the potential for finding
a cure for cancer.
clinical trials process is still the bottleneck," he said.
"We have the technology now to develop lots of compounds quickly
and efficiently, but they still need to be tested for their effectiveness,
toxicity and dosage levels, initially in animals and later in humans.
That's a tremendously costly and time-consuming process."
he said, continue to need time, space and money to do their research,
none of which is in ample supply in this day of managed health care,
where seeing more patients often trumps a physician's research.
we are beginning to have a critical mass here at the medical center
in Sacramento," said Lam. "We need to continue to expand
the research program in cancer and to take full advantage of the
researchers on the Davis campus who have lots of expertise in vari-
ous related areas. We also need the university and the health system
to support this work so the program can reach its full potential."
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