UC Davis Health receives fetal ultrasound accreditation
The UC Davis Fetal Care and Treatment Center and UC Davis Health Prenatal Diagnosis Center of Northern California have achieved a key ultrasound accreditation. The Ultrasound Practice Accreditation Council of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) awarded both centers ultrasound practice accreditation in the areas of obstetrics (OB) standard and detailed second trimester OB ultrasound.

“We are proud to receive this accreditation,” said Debra Johnson, perinatal ultrasound supervisor at UC Davis Health’s Prenatal Diagnosis Center of Northern California and the UC Davis Fetal Care and Treatment Center. “This is an important designation. It demonstrates that our practice is committed to providing the best possible patient care when it comes to fetal ultrasound.”
UC Davis achieved this recognition by meeting rigorous voluntary guidelines set by the diagnostic ultrasound profession. All facets of the practice were assessed, including:
- The training and qualifications of physicians and sonographers
- Ultrasound equipment maintenance
- Documentation
- Storage and record-keeping practices
- Policies and procedures to protect patients and staff
- Quality assurance methods
- Thoroughness, technical quality and interpretation of the sonograms the practice performs
About the AlUM
The American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine is a multidisciplinary medical association of more than 8,000 physicians, sonographers, and scientists dedicated to advancing the safe and effective use of ultrasound in medicine through professional and public education, research, development of guidelines, and accreditation. For more information, visit www.aium.org.
About the UC Davis Fetal Care and Treatment Center
The UC Davis Fetal Care and Treatment Center is inland Northern California’s first comprehensive fetal diagnosis and therapy center. It is the Sacramento area’s only choice for on-site fetal surgery, including open fetal surgery, for spina bifida. For more information, visit fetalcare.ucdavis.edu.
About UC Davis Health’s Prenatal Diagnosis of Northern California
With clinics in Sacramento and Stockton, UC Davis Health’s Prenatal Diagnosis of Northern California provides expecting mothers with comprehensive counseling, genetic screening and diagnostic testing for fetal anomalies such as chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis.