There is a need to better understand the biological basis of neurodevelopmental disabilities, including autism and fragile X. Treatment options are very limited for patients, and autism prevalence rates are rapidly increasing. CENE is the first international brain bank in Latin America that collects and distributes postmortem brain tissue from subjects with neurodevelopmental disabilities to researchers worldwide. CENE also promotes collaborative international neurodevelopmental disabilities research between the CENE nodes, promotes education and training for young investigators and students, and brings awareness to the need for postmortem brain tissue for neurodevelopmental disabilities through community outreach. Through the geographic localization of our nodes in Latin America, combined with worldwide tissue distribution, CENE helps to improve representation of individuals of Hispanic heritage for neurodevelopmental disabilities brain research. CENE expands NDD brain research by increasing tissue availability and awareness for postmortem brain research, and this research will ultimately contribute to a better understanding of the biological basis of neurodevelopmental disabilities. Our hope is that knowledge will ultimately translate into novel therapeutic interventions, and thereby improve treatment outcomes for patients.
Donate to CENE and you will contribute to research and the cost associated with brain donations!