Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor
To see if Lisandra Franco is accepting new patients, or for assistance finding a UC Davis doctor, please call 800-2-UCDAVIS (800-282-3284).
I am dedicated to providing high quality, culturally competent, and personalized primary care. I believe in treating each patient with humility and kindness with an emphasis on open communication and education. I aim to help you achieve your health care goals.
Dr. Franco is a general internist with a focus on primary care for underserved patients. She has a clinical interest in women's health, and preventative medicine. Dr. Franco enjoys teaching and mentoring medical students and residents.
B.A., UC Berkeley, Berkeley CA 2009
M.D., UC Davis, Sacramento CA 2017
Internal Medicine, UC Davis Medical Center, Sacramento CA 2017-2018
Internal Medicine, UC Davis Medical Center, Sacramento CA 2018-2020