Assistant Health Sciences Clinical Professor
To see if Melody Le Tran-Reina is accepting new patients, or for assistance finding a UC Davis doctor, please call 800-2-UCDAVIS (800-282-3284).
I strive to provide high-quality, culturally humble, and kind-hearted primary care. I am particularly interested in serving patients from underserved and disadvantaged backgrounds.
Dr. Melody Tran is a primary care doctor for underserved communities, and an educator of future physicians from diverse backgrounds. She is passionate about addressing social determinants of health and reducing healthcare disparities in disadvantaged communities. In her spare time, she enjoys backpacking in the Sierra mountains, traveling, and spending time with her family.
B.S., Neuroscience, UCLA, Los Angeles CA 2010
M.D., UC Davis, Sacramento CA 2015
Internal Medicine, UC Davis, Sacramento CA 2015-2016
Internal Medicine, UC Davis, Sacramento CA 2016-2018
Outstanding Teaching Award Resident Medical Staff in Internal Medicine, UC Davis, School of Medicine; Sacramento, CA, 2019
Gold Humanism Honor Society Resident Award, UC Davis, School of Medicine; Sacramento, CA, 2018