Marq FAQs and guidelines

Q. Do I need to have a design background to create something in Marq?

A. No, Marq requires no design training. The platform is user-friendly and is equipped with templates pre-designed to fit your specific needs. Once you’re logged in, you can visit the Help Center to learn how to navigate and use Marq or the Video Library for tutorials and troubleshooting.

Q. Does someone need to approve my projects?

A. Yes. Marketing brochures and annual reports must be approved by the marketing team. When projects are ready for approval, users will export their project and be prompted to request approval through the Marq platform. Other marketing templates including fliers, banner stands, and social graphics do not need approval by the marketing team.

It is highly recommended that departments create content in Word documents for their departmental approval before inputting into Marq. Once content is approved and created in Marq, please share proofs with other team members or department leads before submitting to print.

Q. What if I want to print copies of something I design?

A. You can save your files as a pdf through the Marq platform and print internally or work with our professional printer Repro Graphics.

Q. Why is UC Davis Health using Marq and not Canva? Why is Marq better?

A. The Marq platform is optimized for brand consistency and is user-friendly, making content creation easier. Marq also has multiple features including the ability to lock critical brand elements, spellcheck, team approvals, XML, .CSV, and Google Sheet integration and much more. Plus, the Marq platform is fully funded by Public Affairs and Marketing.

Important guidelines


  • All users should use the Marq spellcheck before submitting files for approval.
  • Do not use abbreviations or acronyms when referencing UC Davis Health or any of our sub-brands. Please refer to our brand basics and naming standards.
  • Licensed content: Any marketing materials that contain licensed badges such as U.S. News & World Report, Healthgrades, Magnet, etc. must be shared with The marketing team can provide your materials to the licensing body for approval.


Photography and illustrations are some of our most widely used and influential brand assets. The Marq platform does include an image library and a Shared With Me folder. This folder includes a large assortment of brand approved photos such as buildings and locations, research shots, stock photography and icons. All other photos should be accessed using the DAM, UC Davis Health’s photo library.

Photography request form

If you need to request a photoshoot with our photographer, please fill out the Photography request form.

Photography consent

Obtaining proper consent when taking and using photographs is crucial – especially with patients or their families – for legal and privacy reasons. For information on HIPAA consent forms and instructions, please contact Public Affairs and Marketing at or by phone at 916-734-9040.

Medical photography

Do not use images of body wounds, scars, internal organs, etc. for patient facing marketing materials. Medical imagery should be reserved for either patient education materials (i.e., how to care for your wound) or for education purposes within the medical community (conference presentations, CME, etc.).

For other photography reminders and style considerations, refer to our photography section.