About Us
As one of the strongest and most robust telehealth programs in the United States, the UC Davis Center for Health and Technology conducts a wide variety of clinical, educational, and research activities focused on improving people's health and well-being.
We're proud to partner with community hospitals and clinics throughout California to provide residents and their physicians with access to specialized medical care and education through the use of telecommunications technology.
We currently serve more than 80 sites around the state and have a number of digital health programs designed to meet the needs of families and patients in their homes. We also serve community sites in Oregon, Nevada and Guam (a United States island territory in Micronesia).
We've helped expand telehealth services to more than 200 sites and we've conducted more than 45,000 telehealth consultations since our conception in 1992. In addition, our neonatal telehealth program is one of the largest in the country. Our long-standing history of providing leadership through the creation of the California Telehealth Network, effecting change through collaboration on telehealth policy, and advancing eHealth adoption throughout the state continues to encourage positive developments in the telehealth arena.
Our team is dedicated to creating new models of care through technology-enabled clinical services, research, training and education. We're constantly forming new partnerships and identifying innovative ways to collaborate with health care professionals around the world. Everything we do supports the overall UC Davis Health mission of improving lives and transforming health care.