conventional treatments
is good news and bad news on the cancer front.
good news is that the rate of new cases of cancer and deaths from
cancer decreased three percent in the United States and Canada for
the first time since record-keeping began in the 1930s. Death rates
for some fearsome cancers, including breast and prostate cancer,
have decreased, while specific cancers such as childhood leukemia
and testicular cancer have become largely treatable - and curable
- diseases. Treatments for even the most aggressive cancers have
increased length of survival and improved quality of life for millions
of people with cancer.
bad news? It just isn't enough.
the majority of patients, cancer is already in an advanced stage
when it is first discovered," says David Gandara, director
of clinical research for the UC Davis Cancer Center and one of the
program's leading lung cancer researchers. "With these patients,
the goal of therapy is to prolong survival while maintaining quality
of life. But we would like to do so much more. We would like to
transform treatment into long-term control, or even cure."
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Davis researchers are part of a worldwide community of scientists
developing new approaches to cancer.