are exciting times for those of us involved with the cancer program
at UC Davis. Hsing-Jien Kung, our new director of basic research,
has moved his lab into the research building in Sacramento. As we
had hoped, his presence has lent an air of enthusiasm and energy
to the cancer research program on campus. This year we expect to
recruit three additional basic scientists to join him. The signal
transduction program which he directs will play a vital role in
our march toward achieving designation as a comprehensive cancer
center from the National Cancer Institute, both as a program within
itself and by bringing increased cancer-related scientific experience
to other UC Davis programs. Our oncology, prostate cancer, and developmental
therapeutics programs will benefit greatly from this increased emphasis
on signal transduction research.
Kit Lam, a clinical scientist from the University of Arizona, has
been recruited to be chief of the hematology/oncology division of
the Department of Internal Medicine. We are greatly anticipating
his arrival this spring. In addition to his clinical expertise,
Lam is an expert in recombinatorial chemistry. He brings with him
a strong research program that will further strengthen our integrated
cancer research efforts on campus.
PO1 grant for the radioimmunotherapy program led by Sally and Gerald
DeNardo has again been renewed. This exciting program, one of the
leading radioimmunotherapy programs in the country, concentrates
not only on the basic science of radioimmunotherapy but on three
very well established translational areas: lymphoma, breast cancer
and prostate cancer. With the increasing clinical trials and translational
research projects, we look forward to a great synergy between this
program and the molecular correlative laboratory run by Paul Gumerlock.
This form of cancer care is already involved in a number of studies
that involve Phase I/Phase II clinical trials of new anti-cancer
Finally, in the past six months, the University of California Board
of Regents has approved an agreement in which the UC Davis Cancer
Center will develop two regional cancer centers. The first to be
completed is in conjunction with Mercy Hospital and Health Services
in Merced, and the second is with Fremont-Rideout Health Group in
Yuba City. We are very excited about the opportunities this gives
the cancer center to interact with these communities. We envision
a link between these community-based hospitals and UC Davis through
the pioneering use of telemedicine in cancer.
Ralph W. deVere White, MD
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deVere White,
UC Davis Cancer Center