a brain tumor
"If someone
says I don't have a brain," Franklyn joked, " I can tell
them I do, too, and I have pictures to prove it."
The family's
medical drama began uneventfully enough in 1999. Franklyn had been
complaining of nausea, but his mother figured he'd been hit by a
nasty flu bug that had been going around the base.
"Who thinks
of a brain tumor when your son is nauseous?" she asked.
Nausea and
dizziness, she would learn later, are more common symptoms of brain
tumors in children than seizures.
Then one night
in May, Mandy Barber took the family bowling. Franklyn mentioned
that his right arm and right leg felt numb. Mandy attributed it
to the cramped position Franklyn sat in during the car ride. No
this happened, he was a totally normal kid," said Mandy. "He
didn't have so much as an allergy."
But later that
evening, Franklyn started smacking his lips and staring off into
space. Franklyn was having the first of several epileptic seizures,
uncontrolled storms of electricity pulsing through his brain.
"He wasn't
all there in the eyes," recalled Mandy. "It wasn't like
in the movies; he didn't fall down and writhe."
"It feels
really weird to have a seizure," added Franklyn. "It's
like something on you is wiggling, but you're not wiggling it."
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