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New clinic for treatment-resistant depression, research
The Believe in Better brand campaign
Delivering on our promise: Highlighting our efforts and the importance of improving health for all
‘She called us to drive real change’
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The future of augmented intelligence in health care

School of Medicine Interim Dean Training the physician workforce our nation needs and leading groundbreaking discoveries

School of Nursing Dean We make the difference
In brief

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Body of knowledge
In the largest study of its kind, researchers at UC Davis Health found that exposure to organophosphate ester flame retardants during pregnancy was associated with preterm birth, especially among females.

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Notable quotes
“We’re answering questions that we could have had 30 years ago. How many more people are dead today that would have been alive if the research of the 90s had continued, if we had answered those questions?” — Garen Wintemute, M.D., M.P.H.
Alumni updates

‘You have to practice to the highest level of your license’
UC Davis medical students reach underserved populations between Sacramento and Portland in the COMPADRE partnership, an effort to increase the rural physician workforce.
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