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News from around UC Davis Health
New ambulatory surgery center project approved
$1.7 million for digital health equity
New federal funding supports creation of a regional digital public health platform
New collaboration to advance remote care
BioIntelliSense technology will enhance options for virtual and continuous care
Leadership updates

Sparking innovation in health care

School of Medicine Interim Dean Trailblazing new paths to create a diverse physician workforce — while reaching new heights as a research powerhouse

School of Nursing Dean Investing in health care’s future, partnering for transformative impact
In brief

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Notable quotes
“There’s no such thing as a perfect, 100% effective policy or suite of policies. But there is a chance to make a real difference.” — Garen Wintemute, director of the UC Davis Violence Prevention Research Program
Alumni updates

Avenue M seeks to boost number of doctors in rural areas
UC Davis creates new pathway to medical school that starts in community college.
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