Melissa Gosdin, Ph.D.
Qualitative Research Analyst (Supervisor)
Dr. Melissa Gosdin is a medical sociologist who joined CHPR in 2016. She also serves on the Volunteer Clinical Faculty, Department of Public Health Sciences. She is a qualitative research analyst and supervisor who oversees a team of research analysts funded on federal, state and foundation funded projects who assist with, qualitative data collection, analysis, and dissemination. Dr. Gosdin also assists faculty with developing grant proposals. Dr. Gosdin has contributed qualitative expertise to a variety of interdisciplinary research and evaluation projects focused on social determinants of health and health disparities in underprivileged populations. Research projects include perceptions of watchful waiting messages among patients with acute lower back pain, barriers and facilitators to accessing behavioral healthcare among members of the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) members, an evaluation of collaborative depression care for older adults, doctor patient interaction and the use of opioids to treat chronic pain, life context and agenda setting in primary care and perceptions of value among Medicare recipients. She received her doctorate from University of North Texas in 2010. Prior to her current appointment, Dr. Gosdin was an assistant professor of sociology at Albany State University and a visiting assistant professor of sociology at Ohio University.
Skill Set
- Qualitative research
- Mixed methods research design
- Data collection and analysis
- Research dissemination through reports, white papers and journal articles
Research Interests
- Mental health
- Health disparities
- Social determinants of Health
- Patient/physician interaction
- Evaluation research
- Ph.D., Sociology, University of North Texas
- M.S., Sociology, University of North Texas
- B.A., Communications, Stephen F. Austin State University
- Wagner, J. L., Henderson, S., Hoeft, T., Gosdin, M., & Hinton, L. (2022). Moving beyond referrals to strengthen late-life depression care: a qualitative examination of primary care clinic and community-based organization partnerships.
- McFadden, N. R., Gosdin, M. M., Jurkovich, G. J., & Utter, G. H. (2022). Patient and clinician perceptions of the trauma and acute care surgery hospitalization discharge transition of care: a qualitative study. Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open, 7(1), e000800.
- Renata Abrahao, Elysia, Alverez, Bradley H. Pollock, Hiba Naz, Crystal Romero, Melissa M. Gosdin, Theresa H. Keegan, Austin Waters, and Anne Kirchhoff (2021). A Qualitative Study of Barriers and Facilitators to Adolescents and Young Adults’ Participation in Cancer Clinical Trials: Oncologist and Patient Perspectives. Cancer.
- Elizabeth Magnan, Anthony Jerant, Dan Tancredi, & Melissa M. Gosdin (2021). Pilot RCT Protocol: Life context-informed pre-visit planning (CI-PVP) to improve care plans for primary care patients with multiple chronic conditions including diabetes. Journal of Multimorbidity and Comorbidity.
- Ian J. Koebner, Helen Chatterjee, Daniel J. Tancredi, Claudia M. Witt and M. Gosdin (2021). Framework for Arts in Health Programs Targeting Individuals with Chronic Pain: A Mixed-Methods Study of Practitioners, for the special issue on Arts, Creativity and Health. Public Health.
- Fenton, J. J., Jerant, A., Franks, P., Gosdin, M., Fridman, I., Cipri, C., & Tancredi, D. J. (2021). Watchful waiting as a strategy to reduce low-value spinal imaging: study protocol for a randomized trial. Trials, 22(1), 1-13.
- Ceja Rodriguez, M., Mark, J. R., Gosdin, M., & Humphries, M. D. (2021). Perceptions of patients with wounds due to chronic limb-threatening ischemia. Vascular Medicine, 1358863X20987896.
- Henry, S. G., White, A. E. C., Magnan, E. M., Hood-Medland, E. A., Gosdin, M., Kravitz, R. L., ... & Gerwing, J. (2020). Making the most of video recorded clinical encounters: Optimizing impact and productivity through interdisciplinary teamwork. Patient Education and Counseling.
- Lisa Brown, Melissa Gosdin, David Cooke, Ester Carolina Apesoa-Varano, Anna L. Kratz (2020). Health-Related Quality of Life after Lobectomy for Lung Cancer: Conceptual Framework and Measurement. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery.
- Henderson, S., Wagner, J. L., Gosdin, M. M., Hoeft, T. J., Unützer, J., Rath, L., & Hinton, L. (2020). Complexity in partnerships: A qualitative examination of collaborative depression care in primary care clinics and community‐based organisations in California, United States. Health & Social Care in the Community.
- Nishijima DK, Gosdin M, Naz H, Tancredi DJ, Hewes HA, Myers SR, Stanley RM, Adelson PD, Burd RS, Finkelstein Y, VanBuren J, Casper TC, Kuppermann N for the TIC-TOC Collaborators of the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN). Assessment of primary outcome measures for a clinical trial of pediatric hemorrhagic injuries. Am J Emerg Med 2020,
- Sabrina Loureiro, Kim Pulvers, Melissa Gosdin, Keavagh Clift, Myra Rice & Elisa Tong (2020). Clearing the Air to Breathe Free: The Development of an Online Tobacco Tracker Tool to Crowdsource Campus Environmental Reports for Smoke and Tobacco Free College Policies, Journal of Medical Internet Medicine. December 4, 2020.
- Gosdin, M. M., Pugliese, J., Wintemute, G., & Henry, S. G. (2019). Philosophical Barriers to Using Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs: Results from a Statewide Survey. Pain Medicine.
- Stephen G. Henry, Melissa M. Gosdin, Anne E. C. White, Richard L. Kravitz. (2019). It Sometimes Doesn’t Even Work: Patient Opioids Assessments as Clues to Therapeutic Flexibility in Primary Care. Journal of General Internal Medicine.
- Perez, S. L., Gosdin, M., Pintor, J. K., & Romano, P. S. (2019). Consumers’ Perceptions and Choices Related to Three Value-Based Insurance Design Approaches. Health Affairs, 38(3), 456-463.
- Ladson Hinton, Theresa J. Hoeft, Stuart Henderson, Melissa M. Gosdin, Laura Rath, and Jurgen Unutzer. (2019). Strengthening Late-Life Depression Collaborative Care through Community Engagement: Care Partners Initiative. Innovation in Aging. (3) 1. 572.
- Sauers‐Ford, H. S., Hamline, M. Y., Gosdin, M. M., Kair, L. R., Weinberg, G. M., Marcin, J. P., & Rosenthal, J. L. (2019). Acceptability, Usability, and Effectiveness: A Qualitative Study Evaluating a Pediatric Telemedicine Program. Academic Emergency Medicine.
- Savill, M., Gosdin, M., Patel, P., Melnikow, J., Loewy, R., & Niendam, T. (2019). How Do Early Psychosis Services Define and Operationalize the Duration of Untreated Psychosis? The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 46(3), 497-508.
- Williams, S. K., Braxton, J. M., Gosdin, M., Nobis, N., & Williams, D. A. (2017). Evidence-Based Care for the Elderly: Uses of" the Grandmother Principle". Journal of health care for the poor and underserved, 28(1), 7-7.
- Cready, C. M., Yeatts, D. E., Gosdin, M. M., & Potts, H. F. (2008). CNA empowerment: effects on job performance and work attitudes. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 34(3), 26-35.
- Henry, D., McClellen, D., Rosenthal, L., Dedrick, D., & Gosdin, M. (2008). Is sleep really for sissies? Understanding the role of work in insomnia in the US. Social Science & Medicine, 66(3), 715-726.